In France, we design and manufacture furniture according to the specifications of the most demanding distributors. We guarantee the quality of our products and ensure the regulations have been followed.
PEFC™ certification
We obtained certification from PEFC™ (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) in December 2005.
The aim of this environmental label is to promote and certify sustainable forest management. The supply chain certification allows for traceability of the wood used from the forest to the finished product.
The PEFC™ logo displayed on our furniture is proof that the wood originates from sustainably managed forests. This is the consumer’s guarantee that their purchase is both pleasurable and ethical!
More information :

Waste management and recycling raw materials
We make sure we recycle the maximum amount of raw materials by:
- using the off-cuts from chipboard panels and wood dusts to heat our site
- sorting the waste in our production workshops
- working to recover production waste (recycled for packaging blocks, furniture parts, etc.)
Greenhouse gas emissions
We are able to reduce our GHG emissions by using biomass-fired boilers. In fact, almost 45% of our energy consumption comes from renewable energy sources.
Moreover, these emissions are calculated every three years. In accordance with Article 75 of Law n°2010-788 of 12 July 2010, relating to France’s national commitment to the environment policy, our current assessment can be consulted:

Recycling our products

Triman logo
Defined within the scope of the Grenelle Environment initiative, this marking enables recycled products to be identified and display sorting recommendations. All products carrying this logo must be disposed of correctly in order for them to be recycled!
Several factors are involved regarding Meubles DEMEYERE products:
- Furniture; a waste management stream has been in existence since May 2013
- Certain packaging materials, such as cardboard
A website has been created for you to find out what becomes of your products once their useful life is over:
Green Dot
We are committed to the recovery of packaging materials. On this basis, we pay a contribution to the eco-organisation Eco-Emballage to finance household waste recycling programmes. The Green Dot symbol shows we are registered with Eco-Emballage and it can be seen on all our furniture packaging.

We are also committed to furniture recovery and reuse via Eco-mobilier. Created in 2010 during Grenelle Environment, this stream concerns all furniture companies. For the moment, there is no other equivalent in Europe. Eco-mobilier encompasses the entire home furniture market and monitors how it is recycled at the operational level.
Everyone who purchases a new item of furniture pays a contribution to collecting and recycling used furniture, through giving it a second life, or through recycling or recovery as an energy source.